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Zur Kasse

25 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The Hiram Key

Lomas, Robert
The Hiram Key
The Hiram Key" is a book that will shake the Christian world to its very roots. When Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, both Masons, set out to find the origins of Freemasonry they had no idea that they would find themselves unraveling the true story of Jesus and the original Jerusalem Church. As a radically new picture of Jesus started to emerge, the authors came to the startling conclusion that the key rituals of modern Freemasonry were pr...

Tapinakcilarin Gizemi

Lomas, Robert
Tapinakcilarin Gizemi
Tapinak Sövalyeleri hakkindaki gercek, Da Vincinin Sifresi cilginligina gücünü veren romantik imgeden oldukca farklidir. Insanlarin kafasindaki bu imge köklerini, Sir Walter Scottin Ivanhoe romanindaki Tapinak Sövalyesi karakterinde bulur. Bu tarikatin sadece iki yüz yil yasadigi ve yedi yüz yil önce yok edildigi söylenmektedir. Buna ragmen, Tapinakcilar insanlarin kafasinda hala mistik ve gizemli bir örgüt olarak kalmaya devam etmis, baskiya ...

CHF 19.90

Süleymanin Anahtari

Lomas, Robert
Süleymanin Anahtari
Kafanizi yukariya kaldirip yükselisi insan irkina sadik ve itaatkar olanlara baris ve huzur getiren Parlak Seher Yildizina bakin.Birlesik Devletlerinin ilk baskani George Washingtonun adini tasiyan sehir cok sayida gizeme sahiptir. Bu gizemleri kesfetmek icin yola cikan Robert Lomas, sehrin ismini cevreleyen safsatalari ve bos inanclari cürüterek sehrin tasarimindaki Masonik ögelerin mantikli ve bilimsel aciklamalarini sunuyor. Böylece Kral Sü...

CHF 19.90

Symbole der Freimaurer

Lomas, Robert / Roduner, Markus
Symbole der Freimaurer
Über sechs Jahrhunderte war die Kenntnis um die Symbolik der Freimaurer einer kleinen Gruppe vorbehalten, aber jetzt sollen diese Symbole ihre verborgene Bedeutung offenbaren. Dan Brown hat mit seinen Bestseller-Thrillern wie Sakrileg und Das Verlorene Symbol auf diese Symbole aufmerksam gemacht. Aber besitzen diese Symbole wirklich eine transzendente, magische Kraft und können sie den Lauf unseres Lebens verändern? Auch wenn Sie in keiner Wei...

CHF 14.50

Turning the Templar Key

Lomas, Robert
Turning the Templar Key
This year sees the 700th anniversary of the destruction of the Knights Templar, and this book returns to the unanswered questions of Lomas's bestselling "The Hiram Key". Were the Templars wiped out, or did they survive by starting new orders to preserve their secrets? What happened to their legacy? Will be heavily promoted by extensive national and local media coverage, and featured in Masonic specialist publications.

CHF 17.90

L'uomo che ha inventato il XX secolo. Nikola Tesla, il ge...

Lomas, Robert
L'uomo che ha inventato il XX secolo. Nikola Tesla, il genio dimenticato dell'elettricità

L'uomo che ha inventato il XX secolo è la biografia di Nikola Tesla, il testo più esauriente mai scritto sulla vita e sulle invenzioni del geniale scienziato, colui che ha regalato all'umanità la corrente alternata, l'illuminazione a fluorescenza, la radio, l'energia idroelettrica, la sismologia - solo per citare alcune invenzioni. La storia della sua vita è stata una straordinaria serie di successi scientifici, ...

CHF 23.50

The Secret Power of Masonic Symbols: The Influence of Anc...

Lomas, Robert
The Secret Power of Masonic Symbols: The Influence of Ancient Symbols on the Pivotal Moments in History and an Encyclopedia of All the Key Masonic Sym
For more than 500 years, the Symbology of Freemasonry has fostered a secret stream of radical ideas running just beneath the surface of popular culture today. These ideas, illuminated by public symbols hidden in full view, have influenced and shaped the society we have today. Despite this ongoing record of inspiration, no illustrated guide book to the basic ideas of Masonic Symbology has even been published and the story remains mysterious--un...

CHF 29.90

Turning the Hiram Key: Rituals of Freemasonry Revealed

Lomas, Robert
Turning the Hiram Key: Rituals of Freemasonry Revealed
New in Paperback! Learn about the rituals of this fascinating society. This book takes readers beyond The Hiram Key to reveal the secrets of the actual Masonic rituals. By deconstructing these rituals, Lomas discovers the true message behind them - a message that is as valid today as it was when the rituals were created. Not only will readers get a step-by-step, insider's look at each of these timeless rituals, they'll learn how they can benef...

CHF 21.90